
A command line tool to run smoke tests in your REST API using python and just config files.

About PySmoke

The idea was born during a manual test with the testers of my current project, we where looking for a solution to automate smoke tests that requires little to no programming skills to work with and let the testers team check basic stuff on the API side with a basic fixture.

This is a work in progress and I'm working on it during my spare time.


You have a single config file app.conf located on the config/ folder holds the API URL and other variables used on your tests, and several test files called test groups, located on the tests/ folder. All the tests files have the .test extension.

Config example


post_id: 1
user_id: 1

Test file example

url: /auth/login
method: POST
authorization: None
payload: {"username": "", "password": "test1234"}
	http_status: 200
	headers.Location: true
	result: true
	result.version: true
	result.license: GNU

In this case we are testing the JSON response

  "result": {
    "version": "1.0",
    "last_update": "2018-12-05",
    "license": "GNU"

The test should check the http status must be 200, the headers must contain the Location attribute, there must be a result attribute, inside the result attribute, a version attribute must exists, a license attribute must exists and must be equal to GNU.

Validation rules

Rule Description Status
True The attribute must exist on the JSON response Implemented
False The attribute must not be present Implemented
Value The attribute value must exist and be equal to Value Implemented
Isnumber The attribute value must exist and must be a number Future
Isstring The attribute value must exist and must be a string Future
Islist The attribute value must exist and must be a list Future
Isdictionary The attribute value must exist and must be a dictionary Future
Ismail The attribute value must exist and must be a valid e-mail Future
Isdate The attribute value must exist and must be a valid date Future
Isdatetime The attribute value must exist and must be a valid datetime Future
Isdateiso The attribute value must exist and must be a valid date in ISO format Future


Command Options Description
$ python --help Display help menu
$ python Run all tests in all groups
$ python --verbose Run all tests in verbose mode
$ python --filter get.test Run all tests on the get.test group
$ python --filter get.test:list Run the list test on the get.test group
$ python --config ./app.conf App configuracion file
$ python --source ./tests Tests folder

How to start

Clone the project:

$ git clone

Or download it:

$ wget

You could use virtualenv or install everything globally.

$ virtualenv env -p python3
$ env/bin/pip install -r requirements

Setup your API url on the config/app.conf file.

Modify or create test inside the tests folder, all the tests must have the .test extension.

Run the app.

$ env/bin/python

Run it on verbose mode.

$ env/bin/python -v
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